I Need It
I started writing heavily on my blog in the beginning of this year and my goal is to consistently produce good content around the topics that I have a good depth and knowledge of and/or first hand experience. I share that information and experience with you freely all the time, but sometimes there is also a strong call to action in which case I will be compensated directly from the advertiser or product creator for a referral I send to them that signs up and uses their product or service. I hope that you don’t feel I deserve nothing for creating this content because you didn’t ask me to provide this, I did it by my own choice, right? You would be right, I do and did this freely of my own choice, but I wasn’t selfish in my reasons as I truly want you to do better in personal finance, experience award travel to places all over this world, increase your financial aptitude as far as investing, live a greener more resourceful life, do better in life in general. If you win, in a sense I win also and what better satisfaction can I have then knowing that your winning is potentially because of some information or experience I shared with you here on my blog.
Denial Email from Options House |
Looks Pretty Dim
Today, quite honestly, I can’t actually tell if you are winning or not as a result of my advice, because my call to action conversions are essentially zero, user engagement such as comments and content sharing is either zero or a few, and traffic through my blog remains extremely low and these are some of the metrics I use to measure if I’m even reaching you my audience. I can definitely tell that something is amiss although my blog is relatively new. To the above left, is an example of what I was told when trying to get affiliated with Options House, a product which I currently use, and how I responded. Despite being denied, I am still going promote Options House to you if you are interested in trading options because that is who I use.
I have published over 51 posts from the beginning of January of this year, and I plan to continue, but when he speaks of engagement I can feel exactly what he is talking about because here are the page views and comments I have received during that time.
The one comment here above is my own, and on those below, there was a comment from the CEO of Debitize, but no other engagement about their service from readers. That is a bummer.
My call to action conversions were such that Commission Junction sent me an email that they were going to deactivate my account if I didn’t get some commissions on the products to which I was an affiliate like Credit Sesame. I’m not doing it just for the commissions, but I don’t want to be deactivated either, so thanks to those who have clicked on this banner ad above my blog and those that will in the future to prevent this from happening, it‘s much appreciated. As I also said before, this helps me to know that people are taking action on the content I’m providing, which is in this case signing up with Credit Sesame to get your free credit score and monitor your credit. If you already know your credit score, then great, can you leave a comment on my post saying, “Great info, I got it mines already! Or I used Credit Karma to get mines.“ By taking a few moments to write that comment, for me it helps that other metric which is engagement.
Credit Sesame Banner Ad at Top of My Blog |
Deactivation Email from CJ |
Compensation On Cashback Portals
This is also in a lot of cases not just Os gets compensation, but you do as well. For instance, in my post on, How to Get Cash Back on Online Shopping, I promote using Ca$hback Monitor to find a service that will get you the most cashback or points/miles on money you were planning to spend anyway. At the top of my blog are 3 banner ads for BeFrugal, Mr. Rebates, and Ebates of the several cashback portals I use, of which the others are on my Affiliate and Referral Link here. If you read my blog post and then used my referral link to sign up, several of the offers are like below where I get $15 and you get $10, but this does not include the cashback you will get in addition when you continue to use cashback portals for all your online shopping.
Cashback Portal Banner Ads |
Offer on BeFrugal |
Offer on TopCashBack |
Compensation On Credit Cards
In my blog post under the Travel tab on my homepage, I promote a lot of credit cards, some of which I will receive compensation in the form of points/miles, which is great, because I get exactly from this what I am promoting to you so that you and I both can enjoy award travel for essentially free trips to places around the world. My wife and I actually traveled to Hawaii for essentially free using the information I discuss in the blog post, How Much Does It Cost To Go To Hawaii? If you read my blog and follow the action plan therein and then sign up using my link, there is little reason why you couldn’t be in Hawaii too by this summer. It is then I know I have reached you and you have taken action not for my sake, but you have the vision it is possible because I did it and you want to experience what is like. If you look at the Start Here tab of my blog, under the travel section, there are several other blogs that contain nuggets that will have you on your way to essentially free trips of your choosing. If you have questions, please ask in comments section below each blog post, I am happy to help guide you in any way I can.
Credit Card Promo |
Compensation On Investment Tools
Other promotions are those around investing, because as I mentioned earlier, I want you to increase your financial aptitude and if you read a blog, book, magazine, etc. that I or someone else wrote that can help in that endeavor, I am all for it. In the below blogs, or under Investments section of the Start Here tab, I breakdown three of the services I use and encourage you to use and why. If you consider to signup using one of my links, on some I will receive a sort of compensation and on others nada, I will know it derived from your readership of my blog and you taking tremendous action towards investing some of those dollars, perhaps received from cashback portal, as I suggest or just differently then you may have before. It is going to benefit you more personally than me if you invest.
Promo For Investment Services |
In Closing
I am new to the blogging space, and sometimes I need proof of life, and though some are promotions, for certain I can say, I am promoting products or services here which I have used or currently using to help me in my life. It’s not only the promotion, it’s the user engagement and sharing that let’s me know you are out there and that the content I provide is helping you, your friends, and your family to achieve the objectives I set out for you to know what I know about personal finance, investment, travel, green living, and life in general. I have left politics off for the moment because I don’t want Trump tweeting me about something I said about him.
Folks, if you are using the Affiliate and Referral link here or in my blog’s links I write for credit cards, travel, investing, credit monitoring, cashback portals, online service tools & apps, and green living, then I know you are going to win and I am going to know about it because my metrics reflect that, so I win too, we both win! You will be capitalizing on traveling the globe, making big time financial investments, improving or tracking that your credit score and report are good, saving money, mastering your personal finance, taking part in responsibility towards our planet, and understanding our life as we try to be better people. I will not have to worry about my Commission Junction account being deactivated and hopefully with increased traffic, Options House will reconsider my application. I plan to keep giving you what I know, so please let me know you are here by commenting, sharing, signing up and using the products and services I suggest, especially in the case when the most they can do is benefit you like they have me!
Please provide feedback or questions pertaining to this blog post by leaving a comment below. Also please be sure to share this content with your friends and family. I thank you in advance.
Also, next time you think to shop at Walmart online, how about clicking through on the link below. It will be appreciated, but also check out my blog post
Loyal3 10 Stock Plan. If you are spending money in Walmart, you should be owning it too!