Productive is when action leads to outcomes that can be judged to be beneficial to quality of life and thought and/or having meaningful human relationships Os

Productive is when action leads to outcomes that can be judged to be beneficial to quality of life and thought and/or having meaningful human relationships Os
We cling to memories as if they define us, but … they really don’t. What we do is what defines us. (Ghost In The Shell) Ghost In The Shell. Dir. Rupert Sanders. Dreamworks Pictures, 2017. Film
At some point you gotta decide for yourself who you going be. You can’t let nobody make that decision for you (Moonlight) Moonlight. Dir. Barry Jenkins. A24, 2016. Film
Trip to Hawaii I went on this trip to Hawaii 4 years ago and I thought it would be neat to share some of the photos and video of our incredible experience. Also, being that my life has taken on a new perspective, to incorporate blogging full time, I needed to remind myself of the […]