The App That Saves You Money There are a lot of people who might not know that McDonald’s has an app for iPhone and Android phones which can save you a ton of money if and when you frequent a McDonald’s. It has deals everyday that can save you money. You can simply download it […]
Personal Finance

Don’t Carry Credit Card Balance I speak a lot about signing up for tons of different credit cards with big sign-up bonuses for obtaining points/miles which can be used for free or near free travel and experiences. However, make no mistake in thinking that I mean you should carry balances on credit cards; especially on […]

Os Investment, Life, Personal Finance
Blacks Don’t Invest In Stocks and Bonds? During a conversation I was having with a Black young lady, when I brought up the topic of investing in stocks, she said something along the lines that, “Blacks don’t believe in investing in stocks and bonds…” Though I was somewhat perturbed by that statement about Blacks mentality […]

High Yield Saving Accounts I was moving some money around in savings accounts that I opened some time ago and after writing the blog, “Loyal Only To Next Big Sign Up Bonus”, it got me to thinking had I been resting on my laurels when it came to where I had money sitting for future […]

Leveraging Debt In my previous post, “How Has Debt Changed You?”, I spoke about leveraging debt when you have money. In this case, I’m going to discuss exactly how I plan to do that with those Chase checks they are always sending me in the mail. Clarify The Fine Print I had called a Chase […]